
Support for Eclipse 3.5

The current version works fine with Eclipse 3.5 + WTP 3.1 I also build artifacts.jar and content.jar for new update site scenario of Eclipse 3.5 Please let me know if you encounter error when using update site http://bravo.comxa.com/update Note: During the installation, there is a dialog to ask "Do you trust these certificates?". Make sure to select all and click OK.


  1. I m facing problem while installing plugin

    Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
    Missing requirement: 1268201117482 requires 'com.beck.ep.feature.group [1.4.2]' but it could not be found

  2. Are you install the plugin via update site but forget to turst certificates in first time?
    I ever encounter similar problem in v3.5.0, close eclipse and delete following folder/file may fix the problem:

    If the error still happened, please email the file "$WORKSPACE_PATH\.metadata\.log" to bravo.editor@gmail.com
    Thank you.
