- Compare project files with version control source, create changed file list.
- Export project files to zip file
- Import files inside zip file into Eclipse project
- Create WAR patch file (only test on IBM Websphere v6.1)
- Run/define setting for unpack zip file to specified folder.
(Please go to there for feature requests or bug report...)
Binary build can be downloaded from https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4KuWV7cJg0JfngyWlFNYVkwVU1fZXNCakNNc3NhMkxTekttaHVvTU0wQjdyUW81OFJ5NGs&usp=sharing#list
- Install Eclipse EGIT/JGIT v2.1 or above, v3.7 or higher version is recommended.
- Copy com.beck.ep.team_1.0.0.0.jar and to $ECLIPSE_HOME\dropins folder. If EGIT version is lower than v3.7, please also copy org.apache.commons.compress_1.6.0.v201310281400.jar
Other optional packages:
- Eclipse JDT(required for create WAR patch)
- Eclipse Webtools(required for create WAR patch)