
Version 2.3.2 release

  • [Requirement] Add "Detect double click event" option
  • [Requirement] Edit handler dialog: separate Add/Apply to different button
  • [Bug] Click text node after


Recent development status

My full time job is quite busy and it will keep a while this year. I expect the new version still focus on bug fix.

Here are something about future developement:
  • 64bit OS support only on Linux: XULRunner runtime with JavaXPCOM enabled only support Linux x64. For other platform, the only solution is install 32bit JRE and Eclipse. (Windows user need Eclipse v3.6 or newer version)
  • XULRunner still on v1.9.x: this plugin deeply rely on JavaXPCOM. But XULRunner does not support JavaXPCOM after version 1.9.x. I hope SWT could keep support on v1.9.x...
Your suggestion is always welcome. Please leave comment here or send mail to me.


Version 2.3.1 release

Here are the changes:
  • [Requirement]String Externalize wizard: provide content assist for search text in property file
  • [Bug] String Externalize wizard: preview area doesn't move selection after select item in list/table
  • [Bug] String Externalize wizard: do not save property file if no change need to apply
  • [Bug] DOM find/replace dialog: content assist show wrong hint in some case


Version 2.3.0 release

  • [Requirement]HTML visual view: add pin for keep view even active editor change
  • [Requirement] Add selection support for <TEXTAREA> and text input field
  • [Requirement] Primitive tag lib handler: if render to input field, click on the text could move cursor to mapping attribute
  • [Requirement] Click HIDDEN label could change the border of hidden area
  • [Bug] Outlined area of hidden SPAN element is wrong
  • [Bug] Outlined area of hidden element is not remove after modified CSS
  • [Bug] Cursor does not move when click on <TEXTAREA>
  • [Bug] Edit handler dialog: HTML element name is not editable if type is 'Output primitive HTML Element'

From this version, the update site package include a installer. It could help you copy/unpack plugin files to Eclipse dropin folder.

We suggest old version user edit/delete a CSS class css_style_for_hidden_border in Bravo Editor/CSS Style preference page
The style default value is "border: 2px solid #556655; " in older version.
The new default value has been change to:
border: 2px solid #556655; color:#33FF00;/* the border color after click 'HIDDEN' label*/


Version 2.2.3 release

  • [Requirement] Ignore JSTL/JSF style code in image/file path
  • [Requirement] Resource bundle message: if bundle attributed specified but message not found, ignore it and find message again.
  • [Bug] <%@include file='xx.jsp'%> does not work in some case
  • [Bug] CSS of included jsp is not rendered

Please let me know if you have any problem/suggestion for this plugin. Thank you.


Version 2.2.2 release

This version is focused on bug fix:
  • [Bug] Stack overflow error if JSP include page is scriptlet
  • [Bug] Visual view: set view bound to maximize does not work in some case