
Version 1.5.0 release

  • [Requirement] Add new option 'Output empty element's id', useful for GWT page design.
  • [Requirement] Add axes support in Define Xpath dialog
  • [Requirement] Add xpath in Modify element dialog
  • [Requirement] Press tab key could edit next cell in String External Wizard and Modify element dialog(for eclipse 3.3 or higher version)
  • [Requirement] Import handle can import workspace file. The imported page support tag.
  • [Bug] Cannot start String External Wizard
The taglib handler "XSLT Template" will be removed in future version. Please feedback if you do need it. Currently, I'm thinking about add another handler for complex tag lib rendering. The handler could execute custom java script developed by yourself and offer required information for rendering. Please let me know if you have any opinion. Thanks.


  1. I just cannot get this to work. I have installed all dependencies and when I go to install this plugin I get:

    Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
    Missing requirement: 1271780733139 requires 'com.beck.ep.feature.group [1.5.0]' but it could not be found

    I have tried everything but nothing works (including your suggestion of deleting the artifacts file and the com.beck.* jars).



  2. Could you offer the eclipse platform infomation, so I can help on this? Thank you.
    Please open "Help" -> "About Eclipse SDK". Then click the button "Features Details" (For v3.5, the button is "Installation Details").
    Please save the text into a file and send it to bravo.editor@gmail.com

    The alternative solution is install the plugin manually

  3. When the install is complete, this alert appear "To use this plugin, following setting: osgisupport.signature.verify=true
    Must be added to $ECLIPSE_HOME/configuration/config.ini Do you agree to add the config?" YES NO

    if I push yes I can not return to restart eclipse

  4. I'm having problem to make bravo works.
    I have eclipse Galileo 3.5.2 SR2, downloaded last week.
    I've already installed GEF 3.5.2, EMF 2.5 and WST 3.1.1.
    I've installed Mozilla Rhino 1.6.7 and Bravo JSP Editor from update site (http://bravo.comxa.com/update), they appear installed, but when I go in eclipse properties i can't find Bravo menu, and can't open any jsp in Bravo editor.
    Can you help me ? Thanks

  5. Please open "Help" -> "About Eclipse SDK". Then click the button "Installation Details".
    Verify the features and plugins are started.
    If the features/plugins are started but problem still happened, please click "Configuration" tab and save the content to a file.
    Send this file and $ECLIPSE_WORKSPACE\.metadata\.log(If you don't know where is it, search "osgi.logfile=" in "Configuration") to me.
    I will check where the problem is, thank you.

  6. Thanks for the help. All plugins seems to be started.
    * org.eclipse.emf
    * org.eclipse.gef
    * org.eclipse.xsd
    * org.eclipse.wst.* and org.eclipse.jst.*
    All appear on the list.
    I got the log files to send, but they are too big so paste here.
    Can I send to your email? If I can email me please (lboutinho.blm@gmail.com).

  7. The mail address does not exist...

    Could you send the log file to bravo.editor@gmail.com?
