
Version 0.9.9 release

  • [Requirement] Add new view for input assist
  • [Bug] Cursor config dialog - cannot save config to preference
  • [Bug] Modify element - config info lost. (Please click "Load plugin default data" in Manage Macro dialog if you encounter this issue)
The new view "JSTL Variable" could list Java Bean's property or a resource bundle file in it. A filter is provided to limit/search the result. Once double click a row, the property name/resource bundle key will be copied into active text editor. The original intention is insert java bean property into JSP, but it's helpful if you use struts framework and need to insert resource bundle key into XML/java code too...


Version 0.9.8 release

  • [Requirement] enhance cursor control in source editor
  • [Requirement] support insert text after element start tag/before element end tag
  • [Requirement] extract build-in license file if license file does not exist
  • [Bug] modify element - setting not clean if use exist command
  • [Bug] modify element - incorrect result when mixing change in one command
  • [Bug] modify element - node type filter does not work
  • [Bug] modify element/string externalize - outline hidden element incorrect when dialog resize
  • [Bug] editor preference - restore to default does not work
  • [Bug] internal error cause visual part refresh slow down
Old item Highlight editor's code has been replaced with following UI for switch cursor config. The UI for config custom behavior. There are two default configs:
  • edit - move cursor to the end of text node, the input text can be appended to the element directly
  • copy/cut - press ctrl+C or shift+DEL could copy/cut the element